Monday, December 31, 2012

~Ending of 2012~


2012 对本人来说是好年,对我两位好友可能就是毕生难忘的回忆吧~因为他们的至亲都离他们而去了。顿时地觉得生命是如此的脆弱~怎样都好,今年的一切将会画上个句号~祝福她们都能找到属于自己的幸福 
2013 Please be good to me and all my friends and family~ 
My wishes: 1.) No Lynas appear in M'sia
                  2.) Work at oversea
                  3.) My eyes can grow bigger!! "2mm la pls" HeHe

Reviewed Happy Moments happened in 2012: 

  Rhine Valley
          London Bridge
Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Germany BMW HQ



Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2012..!! "My Grown Up Christmas List" by Kelly Clarkson 
Although Christmas had been pass for 4 days but I'm still in the Lovely Christmas mood~ Well, I had a memorable Christmas moment with the special one, my best buddy~ I can't believed that 11 years' friendship still existed in my life. It was just too dramatic for our first met, second met and also the last met in Liverpool.
Of course, the most important part was gift exchanged..XiXi!! I'm get ready for the gift 1 month in advance. Sounds like too early to prepare for it~ The only reason was because I do really appreciate everything he had done for me!! Such a good "BF"~aiks, BF stand for Best Friend"!! Not others please!!

I had edited our moments into a small photo as a x'mas gift to him~And also a box of my favorite Mint Chocolate "very tasty" and also a POLO Tee~ "I had asked him to wear it only with 6 packs of muscle" He liked it very much and said "It's a very meaningful Christmas gift he had in this year" Owh~ I really touched after heard he said so~

"A true friendship is you can remain to be yourself in front of him/her" That's what I had found on him~

A set of Shampoo from The Body Shop
(The only gift I had in this year)

Actually I hope to have something which I can keep it for few years. It would be more meaningful to remember who gave me this Christmas present~hehe

It's our Christmas Set Dinner at Michelangelo Pizzeria~

She is the always my best buddy and my dinner kaki during College life in Kampar and we cooked everyday together at Liverpool for 3 months!! I feel so warm when she sent me this lovely photo via LINE~ Although we didn't celebrate Christmas together but at least we had met up before Christmas~ "non-stop Sister chat and 38 topics" Hope to meet up with her very soon and can be colleague at Macao!!

Friday, December 28, 2012


"有时候,我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上忘记了去哪。" 这句话正好述说着我的心情,我累了,即不知自己的去向~ 我希望自己的生活平凡中带点不平凡吧,当然最好就是可以背个包,就去做我喜欢的事情了~ 最近认识了一位新朋友,有点羡慕他,他能很清楚的告诉我他想要的,想做的~ 他似乎参透了人生地说到: 何谓现实生活? 有人觉得就是从懂事开始,我们就要... (开始人生的开段)读小学>上中学>念大学>顺利毕业>找份好工>拿份薪水>存几分钱>买辆车子>盖栋房子>结婚生子(完) (继续人生中段)有了车子>有了房子>有了妹子>有了孩子>再换大车>再住大房>再藏小三>再养狗子(完) (如果你还没死,那我们才来享受人生的下端) 有金钱,有时间,也有了你所谓的“现实生活时”,你会发现,原来这一切何时变得那么不现实。 而简单的现实就是,我看得见,我听得到,我感受得了,我能呼吸,我还健康,我是活着..... *每一个人追求的理想都不同,所以别把你自认的“现实生活”套在别人身上而告诉他人“你活得不现实” 。问:那何时开始,我们觉得“现实生活”就应该如此现实? 而往往每个人所谓的实际,就是他所说的“现实生活”。 似乎是每个人的必经之路,难道就不能精彩一些么?